Genevan Psalter Organ Anthems

The Bible set to Music

Series 21

Psalms 14, 21, 110, 136, 137, 150

Acts 17, Hebrews 12, II Samuel 7, Hosea 11, Ezekiel 28, Isaiah 9

Unison for mixed choir with accompaniments that may serve simultaneously as Organ service pieces.

Christopher Nelson

With new metrical texts. REVISED 2021


Psalm 14

"The fool says in his heart"

Psalm 21

"In they strength the king rejoices"

Psalm 110

"The Lord says to my Lord"

Psalm 136

"O give thanks to the Lord"

Psalm 137

"By the waters of Babylon"

Psalm 150

"Praise the Lord!"


Acts 17

"Paul in Athens"

Hebrews 12

"The Great Witness"

II Samuel 7

"The Prophecy of Nathan"

Hosea 11

"The Love of God"

Ezekiel 28

"The Fall of Lucifer"

Isaiah 9
